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Step 5

After verifying all of your group's information, you are ready to create your Fairy Tale Analysis poster. This poster will provide you with one location at which to combine and record all of the information you collected. Using a large piece of butcher paper, and the table below as a template, neatly create your Analysis poster and fill in with the appropriate information. The Reader will be the recorder for this portion of the project.

Character Sex Character Trait/s   Reversed? Info

Here is an explanation of what each column should contain:

Character: Write the name of each of the characters.

Sex: Was the character male or female?

Character Trait/s: What type of character trait or traits did this character display? Be sure to include all that were seen during the fairy tale.

Reversed?: Can the trait displayed also be displayed by the opposite sex?

Info: Any additional information your group feels is important to share about the character.

Prior to students beginning their poster, you will want to ensure that they understand what's expected. Make sure they understand the terminology and ideas being recorded on the poster.


  • Large sheet of butcher paper
  • Markers
  • Rulers (optional)
  • Recording sheets

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