The Bear's Den > Unit 6 > Questions for Chps. 14-16


Be sure to fill in "Your Name" and "Teacher's Email" before you begin answering your questions.

Your Name

Your Teacher's Email
(Be very careful when typing your teacher's email address. Remember there are NO spaces in an address.)

1. What did Walter and Cloyd discover when they reached "The Pride of the West?"

2. Did Cloyd look forward to mining? Was there another activity that he wanted to do more?

3. What were Cloyd's thoughts after their first blast inside the mine?

4. Why did Walter lie to Cloyd and tell him that he was done mining and then send him off to explore the mountains?

5. Why did Walter make up stories to keep from joining Cloyd on the adventure?

6. What do you think happened the instant that Cloyd's and Blueboy's eyes met when they were trapped in the mud?

7. While Cloyd was climbing to the peak of the Pyramid, what do you think was giving him his strength? Do you think you would have acted in the same way? Explain.

8. What do you think Cloyd's ceremony of offering his turquoise bear to the Four Directions and then to the Earth and Sky represented? Explain.

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