The Bear's Den > Unit 5 > Questions for Chps. 11-13


Be sure to fill in "Your Name" and "Teacher's Email" before you begin answering your questions.

Your Name

Your Teacher's Email
(Be very careful when typing your teacher's email address. Remember there are NO spaces in an address.)

1. Why was Walter at the point of not caring about anything anymore?

2. Were you surprised that Walter let Cloyd back on the farm to help? Why do you think Walter let him come back?

3. Why were both Walter and Cloyd so anxious to make the mountain trip?

4. What made Cloyd decide to tell Walter about "Lone Bear," his secret Indian name?

5. What was Cloyd's opinion of how horses care about the people who care for them?

6. What do you think would have happened to Cloyd if he hadn't come across the helpful stranger? Explain.

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